Residential Carpet Cleaner

Specializing in residential carpet cleaning, Bailtek Carpet Cleaning and Water Damage’s technicians are trusted professionals.  Experienced at pet stain removal, odor removal, spot cleaning carpet, rug cleaning, tile cleaning, red stain removal.

Carpet cleaners remove the grit that causes the carpet to wear prematurely. Carpet manufacturers recommend homeowners have carpet cleaned every 12-18 months depending on the traffic in the home.  Carpet cleaners removes soil and unsightly carpet spots, as well as removes odors from rooms.

Here to Bail You Out!

Spot clean carpet with Bailtek


Residential Carpet Cleaners

Residential carpet cleaners that use a truck-mount method of cleaning carpet will do the most thorough job for you.  Truck mount carpet cleaning machines have more vacuum and the machines get up to higher temperatures, the hotter the water used for cleaning, the better job the carpet cleaner will do.

With a truck mount method of cleaning, carpet cleaners are able to remove 90-95% of the moisture from the carpet that has just been cleaned.  Usually, it takes between 12-24 hours for complete drying time, by having ceiling fans or floor fans circulating the air around the carpet that has just been cleaned it will dry much quicker.

To save time and add convenience, schedule carpt cleaning online with Bailtek.